25-pair Color Code - Mnemonics


The first group colors can be remembered with the mnemonic: Why Run Backwards You Varmint (White, Red, Black, Yellow, Violet)

Another mnemonic for the first group is: "Winchester Rifles Bring You Victory"

For a 20 pair cable a mnemonic for the mate wire colours was Will Rosie Bite You ?

The sequence of second group colors can be remembered with the mnemonic: BOGBruSh (Blue, Orange, Green, Brown, Slate). (This mnemonic is attributed to a British radio engineer, "bog brush" being a colloquial British term for a toilet pan cleaning brush.)

The old-style mnemonic as mentioned above, for the second group of colors was, "Boy On Girl Brings Satisfaction."

Another mnemonic common for the second group colors is: Bell Operators Give Better Service.

Another mnemonic device for the second group is "The sky is blue, the sun is orange, the grass is green, the dirt is brown, and the slate is slate."

Another mnemonic for both the Tip & Ring colours: "We Ride Big Yellow Vans Because Old Guys Break Stuff"

Read more about this topic:  25-pair Color Code