2nd Millennium - Events


The events in this section are organized according to the UN geoscheme.

Events of the 2nd millennium AD
Africa America Asia Europe Oceania
11th century

1043 Eze Nri Ìfikuánim becomes first king of Nri Kingdom
1054 Almoravid dynasty established
1060 Kingdom of Kanem converts to Islam

1000 Cahokia (present-day Illinois, USA) becomes regional chiefdom of Mississippian culture

1008 The Tale of Genji completed
1005 Treaty of Shanyuan signed
1044 Gunpowder recipe published

1054 The East–West Schism divides the Christian church
1088 The first university was founded
1095 First Crusade

12th century

1143 Almohad dynasty take control from the Almoravids
1171 Salah-ad-Din deposes Fatimid ruler of Egypt and establishes the Ayyubid dynasty
1173 Ayyubids capture Qasr Ibrim in Nubia

1100 Toltecs establish capital at Tula
1124 Arnaldur appointed first bishop of Greenland
1175 Destruction of Toltec civilization

1117 The magnetic compass is used at sea
1120 Meng Yuanlao describes four-star dining in Kaifeng
1150 Construction of Angkor Wat

1169 Averoes translates Aristotle

Africa America Asia Europe Oceania
13th century

1200 Kingdom of Mwenemutapa established in Zimbabwe
1203 Sumaguru Kante of Sosso conquers kingdom of Ghana
1250 Mamluk soldiers take Egypt from the Ayyubids

1200 Chichén Itzá abandoned
1200 Kingdom of Cuzco founded
1200 Expansion of Chimú state of Chimor

1211 Genghis Khan Builds an Empire

1215 Magna Carta
1260 Dedication of the Cathedral at Chartres

1200 Tahitians colonize Hawaii

14th century

1324 Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca
1365 Crusade led by king of Cyprus sacks Alexandria
1375 Kingdom of Songhai breaks away from Mali

1315 Founding of Tenochtitlan
1350 Norsemen abandon Greenland
1350 War between Inca and Chimú

1350 Coffee was first brewed
1368 Zhu Yuanzhang ousts the Mongols from power

1348 Black Plague
1350 Emergence of fashion
1382 Wycliffe's Bible

1300 Polynesian immigration to New Zealand
1300 Hawaiians develop class structure
1300 Huge stone statues erected on Easter Island

Africa America Asia Europe Oceania
15th century

1400 capital of Sayfawa Dynasty moved to Borno
1400 Funj settled Alodia
1496 Spain conquers Melilla, Morocco

1470 Incas conquer Chimú empire
1428 Aztecs conquer Atzcapotzalco, ally with Texcoco and Tlacopan, become the dominant state in Mexico
1492 Voyages of Christopher Columbus

1407 Work begins on Forbidden City, Beijing
1431 Ayutthaya conquers Angkor

1413 The invention of linear perspective
1453 Ottoman conquest of Constantinople
1455 Gutenberg Bible printed

1400 Tongans build ceremonial centre at Mu'a

16th century

1546 Songhai Empire takes Niani
1509 African slaves arrive in the Americas
1517 Ottomans capture Egypt
1535 Holy Roman Emperor Charles V conquers Tunis

1535 Europeans discover tobacco
1537 Europeans discover potatoes
1545 The discovery of silver in the Andes mountains

1517 The Ninety-Five Theses published
1543 Publication of On the Structure of the Human Body
1596 Invention of the toilet

1550 Maoris of New Zealand build fortified enclosures

Africa America Asia Europe Oceania
17th century

1600 Kingdom of Rwanda founded
1600 Dahomey Kingdom founded
1644 Start of the Char Bouba

1607 Virginia colony founded
1624 Manhattan island purchased from Native Americans
1697 Last Mayan resistance defeated

1610 Tea spreads to the world
1637 Japanese prohibition against European contact

1603 First performance of Hamlet
1610 Galileo publishes his observations of Jupiter
1666 Discovery of gravitation

1600 Tu'i Konokupolu dynasty take power in Tonga
1642 Abel Tasman sights New Zealand

18th century

1700 Maravi Empire tears apart
1754 Usman dan Fodio is born
1799 Discovery of the Rosetta Stone

1742 Native American revolt against Spanish in Peru
1776 United States Declaration of Independence published

1751 Chinese occupy Tibet

1722 Bach composed the Well-Tempered Clavier
1769 Invention of the steam engine
1796 The first vaccination

1795 Formation of the Kingdom of Hawaii

Africa America Asia Europe Oceania
19th century

1869 The Suez Canal opens
1896 Battle of Adwa
1879 Battle of Isandlwana

1821 Bolívar liberates Venezuela
1876 Menlo Park opens
1876 First telephone transmission

1868 End of Japanese seclusion

1830 First steam railway
1859 Origin of Species
1882 Germ theory proven

1840 Treaty of Waitangi signed
1845 New Zealand land wars

20th century

1956 Suez Crisis
1967 Six-Day War
1996 End of apartheid

1903 First controlled, powered airplane flight
1908 Ford builds the Model T
1928 First television broadcast

1917 The Russian Revolution
1934 Mao's long march
1945 Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

1901 First transatlantic radio transmission
1928 Discovery of penicillin
1933 Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor

1915 Australians and New Zealanders serve in the Gallipoli Campaign
1985 Nuclear Free Zone established in New Zealand

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