369th Infantry Regiment (United States)

369th Infantry Regiment (United States)

U.S. Infantry Regiments
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368th Infantry Regiment 370th Infantry Regiment

The 369th Infantry Regiment, formerly the 15th New York National Guard Regiment, was an infantry regiment of the United States Army that saw action in World War I and World War II. The 369th Infantry is known for being the first African-American regiment to serve with the American Expeditionary Force during World War I. The regiment was nicknamed the Harlem Hellfighters and the Black Rattlers, in addition to several other nicknames.

Read more about 369th Infantry Regiment (United States):  History, Coast Artillery Lineage, Legacy, Notable Soldiers, Distinctive Unit Insignia

Famous quotes containing the word regiment:

    We had an inspection today of the brigade. The Twenty-third was pronounced the crack regiment in appearance, ... [but] I could see only six to ten in a company of the old men. They all smiled as I rode by. But as I passed away I couldn’t help dropping a few natural tears. I felt as I did when I saw them mustered in at Camp Chase.
    Rutherford Birchard Hayes (1822–1893)