3 (number) - in Philosophy

In Philosophy

Main article: Trichotomy (philosophy)
  • The three Doshas (weaknesses) and their antidotes are the basis of Ayurvedic medicine in India.
  • Philosophers such as Aquinas, Kant, Hegel, and C. S. Peirce have made threefold divisions, or trichotomies, which have been important in their work.
  • Hegel's dialectic of Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis creates three-ness from two-ness.
  • According to Pythagoras and the Pythagorean school, the number 3, which they called triad, is the noblest of all digits, as it is the only number to equal the sum of all the terms below it, and the only number whose sum with those below equals the product of them and itself.

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