3rd Millennium BC - Inventions, Discoveries, Introductions

Inventions, Discoveries, Introductions

  • Pottery develops in Americas (30th century BC).
  • c. 3000 BC—Potter's wheel appears in Mesopotamia.
  • 2900 BC—2400 BC; Sumerians invent phonogram (linguistics).
  • c. 2300 BC—Metals are used in Northern Europe.
  • Chinese record a comet.
  • Building of the Great Pyramid of Giza (26th century BC).
  • Sails used on ships (20th century BC).
  • First ziggurats built in Sumer.
  • Near East civilizations enter Bronze Age around 3000 BC.
  • Oldest known medicine wheel constructed in the Americas.
  • Bronze and metallurgy introduced to Ireland.
  • Domestication of the horse with the coming of Indo-Europeans in central Eurasia.
  • The chariot emerges in Central Asia Indo-Europeans just before 2000 BC.
  • The camel (dromedary) domesticated (though widespread use took until mid-to-late 2nd millennium BC).
  • Indoor plumbing and sewage in the Indus Valley Civilization.
  • Sumerian medicine discovers the healing qualities of mineral springs
  • Weaving loom known in Europe
  • Sumerian numerical system based on multiples of 6 and 12
  • Egyptians discover use of papyrus
  • Bow and arrow used in warfare
  • Austronesian peoples have developed lanteen sail, and the out-rigger as well as extensive development of celestial navigation systems
  • Oldest known evidence of the inhalation of cannabis smoke, as indicated by charred cannabis seeds found in a ritual brazier at a burial site in present-day Romania.

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