5th Century - Significant Persons

Significant Persons

  • Aetius, last of the great Roman generals
  • Alaric I, king of the Visigoths that sacked Rome
  • Aspar, Eastern Roman general and politician
  • Attila the Hun, king of the Huns
  • Augustine of Hippo, bishop, theologian
  • Bahram V, Sassanid Shah of Persia
  • Bodhidharma, founder of Chan Buddhism
  • Boniface, Roman comes in charge of the province of Africa
  • John Chrysostom, Patriarch of Constantinople
  • Clovis, first Frankish king to unite the Franks; first barbarian king to convert to Catholicism
  • Cyril of Alexandria, Patriarch of Alexandria, theologian
  • Dioscorus, patriarch of Alexandria
  • Faxian, Chinese Buddhist monk
  • Geiseric, Vandal king and founder of the Vandal kingdom in North Africa
  • Gelasius, bishop of Rome
  • Huiyuan, Chinese Buddhist
  • Hypatia of Alexandria, woman philosopher
  • Jerome, Christian hermit, priest, Latin translator of Bible and other theological works
  • John Cassian, Christian monk and theologian
  • Kumarajiva, (344-413), Kuchean Buddhist monk and Chinese translator
  • Leo I, bishop of Rome, theologian
  • Saint Mesrob, Armenian monk
  • Nestorius, archbishop of Constantinople, father of Nestorian heresy
  • Niall Noigiallach, founder of one of Ireland's greatest dynasties
  • Patrick, (Patricius) Catholic bishop, missionary to Ireland
  • Pelagius, Catholic priest father of Pelagianism
  • Ricimer, Western Roman general, politician and ruler
  • Riothamus, King of the Britons, a candidate for the legendary King Arthur
  • Tyrannius Rufinus, priest of Aquileia, hermit, Latin translator
  • Socrates Scholasticus, Byzantine Church historian
  • Sozomen, Christian church historian
  • Theoderic the Great, Ostrogothic king
  • Yazdegerd I, Sassanid Shah of Persia
  • Zu Chongzhi, Chinese astronomer and mathematician

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