6th Century - Events


  • Early 6th century – Archangel Michael, panel of a dyptich probably from the court workshop at Constantinople, is made. It is now kept at The British Museum, London.
  • Early 6th century – Page with Rebecca at the Well, from "Book of Genesis", probably made in Syria or Palestine, is made. It is now kept at Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna.
  • By 6th century – Shilpa Shastras is written.
  • Early 6th century – first academy of the east the Academy of Gundeshapur founded in Iran by Khosrau I of Persia.
  • Early 6th century – Irish colonists and invaders, the Scots, began migrating to Caledonia (later known as Scotland). Migration from south-west Britain to Brittany.
  • Early 6th century – Glendalough monastery, Wicklow Ireland founded by St. Kevin. Many similar foundations in Ireland and Wales.
  • Early 6th century – Zen Buddhism enters Vietnam from China.
  • Early 6th century – Haniwa, from Kyoto, is made during the Kofun period
  • Early 6th century – Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe's apse's mosaic is completed.
  • Early 6th century - Cassiodorus founds a cenobitic monastery and scrinium at Vivarium in Italy
  • 518: Eastern Roman Emperor Anastasius I dies and is succeeded by Justin I.
  • 522: Byzantines obtain silkworm eggs and begin silkworm cultivation
  • c.524: Boethius writes his Consolation of Philosophy.
  • 525: Having settled in Rome c. 500, Scythian monk Dionysius Exiguus invents the Anno Domini era calendar based on the estimated birth year of Jesus Christ.
  • 527: Justinian I succeeds Justin I as Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire.
  • 529: Saint Benedict of Nursia founds the monastery of Monte Cassino in Italy.
  • 532: Nika riots in Constantinople; the cathedral is destroyed. They are put down a week later by Belisarius and Mundus; up to 30,000 people are killed in the Hippodrome.
  • 535: Postulated volcanic eruption in the tropics which causes several years of abnormally cold weather, resulting in mass famine in the Northern Hemisphere. (See Extreme weather events of 535–536.)
  • 537: Battle of Camlann, final battle of legendary King Arthur.
  • 541-542: First pandemic of bubonic plague (Plague of Justinian) hits Constantinople and the rest of Byzantine Empire.
  • 543/544: One of Justinian's edict leads to the Three-Chapter Controversy
  • 545: Nubian Kingdom of Nobatia converts to Christianity.
  • Mid-6th century – Buddhist Jataka stories are translated into Persian by order of the Zoroastrian king Khosrau.
  • Mid-6th century – Cave-Temple of Shiva at Elephanta Caves, Maharashtra, India, is built. Post-Gupta period.
  • Mid-6th century – Eternal Shiva, rock-cut relief in the Cave-Temple of Shiva at Elephanta Caves, is made
  • Second half of 6th century – Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels, icon, is made. It is now kept at Saint Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai, Egypt.
  • 550: Kingdom of Funan dies out.
  • 552: Buddhism introduced to Japan from Baekje during the Asuka period.
  • 553: Second Council of Constantinople
  • 554: Eviction of the Ostrogoths from Rome, and the re-unification of all Italy under Byzantine rule.
  • 561 to 592: Buddhist monk Jnanagupta translates 39 sutras from Sanskrit to Chinese.
  • 563: The monastery on Iona is founded by St. Columba.
  • 566: Birth of Lǐ Yuān, founder of the Tang Dynasty and Emperor of China under the name of Gaozu (618-626)
  • 568: Lombards invade Italy and establish a federation of dukedoms under a king.
  • 569: Nubian kingdom of Alodia converts to Christianity.
  • 569: Nubian kingdom of Makuria converts to Christianity.
  • 570: Birth of Mohammad, founder of Islam.
  • 579 to 590: Reign of Persian Shah Hormizd IV.
  • 582 to 602: Reign of Byzantine Emperor Maurice.
  • 585: Suevi Kingdom conquered by Visigoths in Spain.
  • 587: Reccared, king of the Visigoths in Spain, converts to Catholicism.
  • 588: Shivadeva ascends the throne of the Lichchhavi dynasty in Nepal.
  • 589: Third Council of Toledo adds the "filioque" clause to the Nicene Creed in Spain.
  • 589: China reunified under the Sui Dynasty (589 – 618).
  • 590: Gregory the Great succeeds Pope Pelagius II (who dies of plague) as the 64th pope.
  • 595: Pope Gregory sends Roman monks led by Augustine to England.

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