6th Century - Significant Persons

Significant Persons

  • King Arthur, legendary British king and victor over the Anglo-Saxons
  • Aryabhata, Discoverer of Zero and First to propose Heliocentre Model of solar system
  • Augustine of Canterbury, Roman monk, missionary, and bishop
  • Belisarius, Byzantine general
  • Benedict of Nursia, (480–547), Umbrian founder of Western Monasticism
  • Beowulf, legendary king of the Geats
  • Boethius, (c.480-525), Roman philosopher and theologian
  • Bozorgmehr, Persian sage
  • Cassiodorus, (c.485-c.585), Roman senator and scholar
  • Clovis I, (c. 466–511), first sole King of the Franks
  • Columbanus, (540–615), Irish monk and missionary
  • Dayi Daoxin, (580-651), fourth Chán Buddhist Patriarch
  • Dazu Huike, (487-593), second Chán Buddhist Patriarch
  • Gregory the Great, (c.540-604), theologian, sixty-fourth pope (590-604), and civil administrator of Rome
  • Gregory of Tours (c. 538–594), Frankish bishop and historian
  • Hrodgar, legendary Danish king depicted in Beowulf
  • Jianzhi Sengcan, (d. 606), third Chán Buddhist Patriarch
  • Jizang, (549–623), Buddhist monk and scholar, founder of the Three Treatise School
  • Jordanes, Byzantine author of the Getica
  • Justinian, (527–565), Byzantine Emperor
  • Karaikkal Ammeiyar, one of the few females amongst the sixty three Nayanmars, is one of the greatest figures of early Tamil literature
  • Khosrau I of Persia, Sassanid Shah (531–579)
  • Leander of Seville, (c.534-601), Spanish bishop and theologian
  • Mohammad, Final Prophet of Islam, (born 570)
  • Muhan Khan, Khagan of Göktürk Empire from (554 - 572) during which Sogdian influence reached its zenith
  • Procopius, Byzantine historian
  • Empress Suiko, Japanese empress
  • Prince Shōtoku, (573–621), Japanese statesman, philosopher, and writer of a 17 article constitution
  • Taliesin, Welsh poet
  • Tirunavukkarasar, Indian poet (late 6th century-mid-7th century)
  • Venantius Fortunatus (c.540-600/9), Venetian poet, traveler, bishop of Poitiers (c.599-600/9)
  • Emperor Wen of Sui, founder and first emperor of Chinese Sui Dynasty

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