72nd United States Congress - Major Events

Major Events

See also: 1931 in the United States, 1932 in the United States, and 1933 in the United States
  • Ongoing: Great Depression
  • January 12, 1932: Hattie Wyatt Caraway of Arkansas became the first woman elected to the United States Senate. (Rebecca Latimer Felton of Georgia had been appointed to fill a vacancy in 1922; the 87-year-old Felton served one day as a Senator.) Caraway had won a special election to fill the remaining months of the term of her late husband, Senator Thaddeus Caraway. She won re-election to a full term in 1932 and again in 1938 and served in the Senate until January 1945.
  • July 28, 1932: Bonus Army was dispersed.
  • November 8, 1932: United States elections, 1932:
    • United States presidential election, 1932: Incumbent Republicans Herbert Hoover and Charles Curtis lost to Democrats Franklin Roosevelt as President, and John Nance Garner as Vice President.
    • United States Senate elections, 1932: Democrats gained a 60–35 majority
    • United States House of Representatives elections, 1932: Democrats gained a 313–117 majority

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