7 (number) - Commerce and Business

Commerce and Business

  • 7-Eleven is the trading name of a chain of convenience stores based in the U.S.
  • Seven Jeans, also known as Seven '7' for all Mankind, a brand of designer jeans.

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Famous quotes containing the words commerce and, commerce and/or business:

    While the focus in the landscape of Old World cities was commonly government structures, churches, or the residences of rulers, the landscape and the skyline of American cities have boasted their hotels, department stores, office buildings, apartments, and skyscrapers. In this grandeur, Americans have expressed their Booster Pride, their hopes for visitors and new settlers, and customers, for thriving commerce and industry.
    Daniel J. Boorstin (b. 1914)

    Honour sinks where commerce long prevails.
    Oliver Goldsmith (1728–1774)

    I do not claim that all women, or a large portion of them, should enter into independent business relations with the world, but I do claim that all women should cultivate and respect in themselves an ability to make money.
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