96th United States Congress - Members


This list is arranged by chamber, then by state. Senators are listed in order of seniority, and Representatives are listed by district.

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    The damned are in the abyss of Hell, as within a woeful city, where they suffer unspeakable torments, in all their senses and members, because as they have employed all their senses and their members in sinning, so shall they suffer in each of them the punishment due to sin.
    St. Francis De Sales (1567–1622)

    ...wasting the energies of the race by neglecting to develop the intelligence of the members to whom its most precious resources must be entrusted, already seems a childish absurdity.
    Anna Eugenia Morgan (1845–1909)

    Sometimes the best way to keep peace in the family is to keep the members of the family apart for awhile.
    Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882–1945)