Abutment - Civil Engineering - Types of Abutments

Types of Abutments

There are different types of abutments including:

  • Gravity Abutment, resists horizontal earth pressure with its own dead weight
  • U Abutment, U shaped gravity abutment
  • Cantilever Abutment, Cantilever retaining wall designed for large vertical loads
  • Full Height Abutment, Cantilever abutment that extends from the underpass grade line to the grade line of the overpass roadway
  • Stub Abutment, Short abutments at the top of an embankment or slope. Usually supported on piles
  • Semi-Stub Abutment, Size between full height and stub abutment
  • Counterfort Abutment, Similar to counterfort retaining walls
  • Spill-through Abutment, Vertical buttresses with open spaces between them
  • MSE systems,“Reinforced earth” system: modular units with metal or polymeric reinforcement
  • Pile Bent abutment, Similar to Spill-through Abutment

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