Recorded Versions
"Amazing Grace" a cappella, lined out by three singers in long meter
You can download the clip or download a player to play the clip in your browser. This recording was done for the Archive of American Folk-Song in Livingston, Alabama in 1939, and is in the U.S. Library of Congress Read more about this topic: Amazing Grace Famous quotes containing the words recorded and/or versions:“The anarchy, assassination, and sacrilege by which the Kingdom of France has been disgraced, desolated, and polluted for some years past cannot but have excited the strongest emotions of horror in every virtuous Briton. But within these days our hearts have been pierced by the recital of proceedings in that country more brutal than any recorded in the annals of the world.” “The assumption must be that those who can see value only in tradition, or versions of it, deny mans ability to adapt to changing circumstances.” Main Site Subjects
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