Bascule Bridge - Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge across the Thames in London is a famous bascule bridge. Originally, Tower Bridge was a hydraulically operated bridge, using steam power from coal-burning boilers to pump river water into six hydraulic accumulators so that power was readily available when required. The water for the boilers was provided by a well. The hydraulic accumulators powered the bascule engines, which raised and lowered the bascules. Today, the bascule mechanism is driven by oil and electricity rather than by water and steam.

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    Culture is a sham if it is only a sort of Gothic front put on an iron building—like Tower Bridge—or a classical front put on a steel frame—like the Daily Telegraph building in Fleet Street. Culture, if it is to be a real thing and a holy thing, must be the product of what we actually do for a living—not something added, like sugar on a pill.
    Eric Gill (1882–1940)