Bernard Kerik - Early Life and Education

Early Life and Education

Kerik was born in Newark, New Jersey, the son of Patricia Joann (née Bailey) and Donald Raymond Kerik, Sr. His mother was Irish American and his father was Russian American. His paternal grandparents emigrated from Russia to a coal mining town in Pennsylvania and changed their surname from "Kapurik". Kerik was raised Catholic and grew up in Paterson, New Jersey. He attended Eastside High School in Paterson, and dropped out in 1972. In July 1974, he enlisted in the United States Army and received a General Educational Development (GED) certificate from the State of North Carolina while assigned to Fort Bragg, North Carolina .

After leaving the New York City Police Department, he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Administration from Empire State College of the State University of New York in 2002.

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