Billerica Memorial High School - School Days

School Days

Schools days are based on a seven day rotating schedule with six periods lasting 53 minutes. Like other public schools in Massachusetts 180 days make up a school year. Students attend homeroom between second and third period for 15 minutes. Fourth period is extended to fit the three lunch blocks, A B C, which are about 23 minutes in length. Between each period there is a five minute passing period for students to get to their next class, eight minutes in the case of before homeroom. Officially, school starts at 7:15 am and ends at 2:02 pm. In May 2008 BMHS students and teachers were officially notified that starting next year, they would try a new rotating schedule. This new schedule would have two blocks starting at the beginning of the day and rotating back and forth. Then the next two blocks remained the same throughout the schedule. The last two blocks follower the same structure as the first two. Another block rotates all the way through the schedule. This new schedule was created to allow students to leave school for off campus classes and to in time reopen many old classes such as shop and auto shop.

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