Black Panther (comics) - Collected Editions

Collected Editions

  • Marvel Masterworks: Black Panther Volume 1 (Jungle Action #6-24)
  • Essential Black Panther Vol. 1 (Jungle Action #6-22, 24; Black Panther #1-10)
  • Black Panther By Jack Kirby Vol. 1 (Black Panther #1-6)
  • Black Panther By Jack Kirby Vol. 2 (Black Panther #7-12)
  • Black Panther Vol. 1: The Client (Black Panther vol. 3, #1-5)
  • Black Panther Vol. 2: Enemy of the State (Black Panther vol. 3, #6-12)
  • Black Panther: Who is the Black Panther (Black Panther vol. 4, #1-6)
  • House of M: World of M Featuring Wolverine (includes Black Panther vol. 4, #7)
  • X-Men/Black Panther: Wild Kingdom (Black Panther vol. 4, #8-9)
  • Black Panther: Bad Mutha (Black Panther vol. 4, #10-13)
  • Black Panther: The Bride (Black Panther vol. 4, #14-18)
  • Black Panther: Civil War (Black Panther vol. 4, #19-25)
  • Black Panther: Four the Hard Way (Black Panther vol. 4, #26-30)
  • Black Panther: Little Green Men (Black Panther vol. 4, #31-34)
  • Black Panther: Back To Africa (Black Panther vol. 4, #35-38, Annual #1)
  • Black Panther: Secret Invasion (Black Panther vol. 4, #39-41)
  • Black Panther: The Deadliest of the Species (Black Panther vol. 5, #1-6)
  • Black Panther: Power (Black Panther vol. 5, #7-12)
  • Doomwar (Doomwar #1-6)
  • Black Panther: Tha Man Without Fear Vol. 1 (Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #513-518)
  • Fear Itself: Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #519-523, Black Panther: The Deadliest Man Alive #524)
  • Black Panther - The Most Dangerous Man Alive: The Kingpin of Wakanda (Black Panther: The Deadliest Man Alive #523.1, 525-529)

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