Blackboard Bold Capital

Famous quotes containing the words blackboard, bold and/or capital:

    When Wilson got upon his legs in those days he seems to have gone into a sort of trance, with all the peculiar illusions and delusions that belong to a pedagogue gone mashugga. He heard words giving three cheers; he saw them race across a blackboard like Mexicans pursued by the Polizei; he felt them rush up and kiss him.
    —H.L. (Henry Lewis)

    O, heinous, strong, and bold conspiracy!
    William Shakespeare (1564–1616)

    Woman—with a capital letter—should by now have ceased to be a specialty. There should be no more need of “movements” on her behalf, and agitations for her advancement and development ... than for the abolition of negro slavery in the United States.
    Marion Harland (1830–1922)