Bone Spavin - Contributing Factors

Contributing Factors

There are several conformational defects that contribute to bone spavin. Those that cause uneven loading of the hocks, such as sickle hocks and cow hocks, are especially noteworthy. Poor trimming or shoeing can also contribute to bone spavin in any horse, no matter what their conformation.

Certain types of activities may also contribute to uneven or repeated loading of the lower hock joints, and thus bone spavin. These include sports that require a great deal of hock flexion (dressage), stress (jumping), sudden stops or turns (western events, such as reining), or a great deal of concussion (Standardbred racing).

"Juvenile spavin" is the occurrence of bone spavin in horses less than 3 years old. It usually occurs before the animal has done much work. While osteochondrosis lesions are the likely cause in some cases, this condition can also occur secondary to the distortion of the cuboidal bones which can occur in premature or dysmature foals.

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