Branch - Words


Because of the enormous quantity of branches in the world, there are a variety of names in English alone for them. In general however, unspecific words for a branch (such as rise and rame) have been replaced by the word branch itself.

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    You may read any quantity of books, and you may almost as ignorant as you were at starting, if you don’t have, at the back of your minds, the change for words in definite images which can only be acquired through the operation of your observing faculties on the phenomena of nature.
    Thomas Henry Huxley (1825–95)

    Language is filled
    with words for deprivation
    images so familiar
    it is hard to crack language open
    into that other country
    the country of being.
    Susan Griffin (b. 1943)

    And consequently when wee Believe that the Scriptures are the word of God, having no immediate revelation from God himself, our Belief, Faith, and Trust is in the Church; whose words we take, and acquiesce therein.
    Thomas Hobbes (1579–1688)