Byzantine–Bulgarian Wars - Michael Asen III’s Wars

Michael Asen III’s Wars

The death of George Terter II had been followed by a brief period of confusion and uncertainty, which was exploited by the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos. The Byzantines overran northeastern Thrace and captured a number of important cities. At the same time, a Byzantine-sponsored pretender, Vojsil, brother of the former Bulgarian emperor Smilec, ensconced himself in Krăn, controlling the valley between the Balkan mountains and Sredna Gora. At this point the newly elected Bulgarian emperor Michael Asen III marched south against Andronikos III, while another Byzantine army was besieging Philippopolis (Plovdiv).

Although Michael Asen III managed to force Andronikos III to retreat, the Byzantines managed to take the Philippopolis while the Bulgarians were changing garrisons. In spite of this loss, Michael Asen III was able to expel Vojsil and recover Bulgarian control over northern and northeastern Thrace in 1324. This situation was confirmed by a peace treaty with the Byzantine Empire, which was cemented by Michael Asen III's marriage to Theodora Palaiologina, the sister of Andronikos III Palaiologos, who had been previously married to Theodore Svetoslav of Bulgaria.

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