Capsid - Triangulation Number

Triangulation Number

Icosahedral virus capsids are typically assigned a triangulation number (T-number) to describe the relation between the number of pentagons and hexagons i.e. their quasi-symmetry in the capsid shell. The T-number idea was originally developed to explain the quasi-symmetry by Caspar and Klug in 1962.

For example, a purely dodecahedral virus has a T-number of 1 (usually written, T=1) and a truncated icosahedron is assigned T=3. The T-number is calculated by (1) applying a grid to the surface of the virus with coordinates h and k, (2) counting the number of steps between successive pentagons on the virus surface, (3) applying the formula:


where and h and k are the distances between the successive pentagons on the virus surface for each axis (see figure on right). The larger the T-number the more hexagons are present relative to the pentagons.

Representation of Viral Capsid T-numbers up to (6,6)
capsid parameters hexagon/pentagon system triangle system
(h,k) T # hex Conway notation image geometric name # tri Conway notation image geometric name
(1,0) 1 0 D Dodecahedron 20 I Icosahedron
(1,1) 3 20 tI
Truncated icosahedron 60 kD Pentakis dodecahedron
(2,0) 4 30 cD=t5daD Truncated rhombic triacontahedron 80 k5aD Pentakis icosidodecahedron
(2,1) 7 60 dk5sD Truncated pentagonal hexecontahedron 140 k5sD Pentakis snub dodecahedron
(3,0) 9 80 dktI Hexapentatruncated pentakis dodecahedron 180 ktI Hexapentakis truncated icosahedron
(2,2) 12 110 dkt5daD 240 kt5daD Hexapentakis truncated rhombic triacontahedron
(3,1) 13 120 260
(4,0) 16 150 ccD 320 dccD
(3,2) 19 180 380
(4,1) 21 200 dk5k6stI
420 k5k6stI
Hexapentakis snub truncated icosahedron
(5,0) 25 240 500
(3,3) 27 260 tktI 540 kdktI
(4,2) 28
(5,1) 31
(6,0) 36 350 tkt5daD 720 kdkt5daD
(4,3) 37
(5,2) 39
(6,1) 43
(4,4) 48 470 dadkt5daD 960 k5k6akdk5aD
(6,2) 48
(5,3) 49
(5,4) 61
(6,3) 64
(5,5) 75
(6,4) 76
(6,5) 91
(6,6) 108

T-numbers can be represented in different ways, for example T=1 can only be represented as a icosahedron or a dodecahedron and, depending on the type of quasi-symmetry, T=3 can be presented as a truncated dodecahedron, an icosidodecahedron, or a truncated icosahedron and their respective duals a triakis icosahedron, a rhombic triacontahedron, or a pentakis dodecahedron.

Read more about this topic:  Capsid

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