Cis - Economic Data

Economic Data

The data is taken from the UN Statistics Division.

Country Population (2007) GDP 2006 (USD) GDP 2007 (USD) GDP growth (2007) GDP per capita (2007)
Belarus 9,724,163 36,961,815,474 45,275,738,770 8.6% 4,656
Kazakhstan 15,408,161 81,003,864,916 104,849,915,344 8.7% 6,805
Kyrgyzstan 5,346,111 2,834,168,893 3,802,570,572 8.5% 711
Russia 141,941,200 989,427,936,676 1,294,381,844,081 8.5% 9,119
Tajikistan 6,727,377 2,142,328,846 2,265,340,888 3.0% 337
Uzbekistan 26,900,365 17,077,480,575 22,355,214,805 9.5% 831
EAEC total 207,033,990 1,125,634,333,117 1,465,256,182,498 30.17% 7,077
Azerbaijan 8,631,512 20,981,929,498 33,049,426,816 25.1% 3,829
Georgia 4,357,857 7,745,249,284 10,172,920,422 12.3% 2,334
Moldova 3,667,469 3,408,283,313 4,401,137,824 3.0% 1,200
Ukraine 46,289,475 107,753,069,307 142,719,009,901 7.9% 3,083
GUAM total 62,861,573 139,888,538,550 186,996,463,870 33.68% 2,975
Armenia 3,072,450 6,384,452,551 9,204,496,419 13.8% 2,996
Turkmenistan 4,977,386 6,928,560,446 7,940,143,236 11.6% 1,595
Grand total 277,863,109 1,278,421,583,732 1,668,683,151,661 30.53% 6,005

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