Conservation-restoration - International Cultural Heritage Documents

International Cultural Heritage Documents

Year Document Sponsor Text (English where available)
1931 Athens Charter International Congress of Architects and Technicians of Historic Monuments text
1931 Carta Di Atene Conferenza Internazionale di Atene text (Italian)
1932 Carta Italiana del restauro Consiglio Superiore Per Le Antichità e Belle Arti text (Italian)
1933 Charter of Athens IV CIAM text
1956 New Delhi Recommendation IX UNESCO text, text
1962 Paris Recommendation XII UNESCO text
1964 Venice Charter II International Congress of Architects and Technicians of Historic Monuments text, text
1964 Paris Recommendation XIII UNESCO text
1967 Norms of Quito OAS text (Spanish), text
1968 Paris Recommendation XV UNESCO text
1972 Paris Convention XVII UNESCO text
1972 Paris Recommendation XVII UNESCO text
1972 Carta Italiana del Restauro text (Italian)
1972 Stockholm Declaration UNEP text
1974 Santo Domingo Resolution, Dominican Republic Interamerican Seminar on the Conservation and Restoration of the Architectural Heritage of the Colonial and Republican Periods – OAS text (Portuguese), text (Portuguese)
1975 Declaration of Amsterdam Congress on the European Architectural Heritage text
1975 European Charter of the Architectural Heritage Council of Europe text
1976 Charter on Cultural Tourism, Brussels International Seminar on Contemporary Tourism and Humanism text
1976 Nairobi Recommendation XIX UNESCO text
1977 Machu Picchu Charter text (Portuguese), text (Portuguese), text (Spanish), ref (Spanish)
1981 Burra Charter ICOMOS text
1982 Florence Charter ICOMOS: Historic Gardens text, text
1982 Nairobi Declaration UNEP text
1982 Tlaxcala Declaration ICOMOS text
1982 México Declaration World Conference on Cultural Policies – MONDIACULT text, text
1983 Declaration of Rome ICOMOS text
1987 Carta della conservazione e del restauro degli oggetti d'arte e di cultura text (Italian)
1987 Washington Charter ICOMOS text, text
1989 Paris Recommendation XXV UNESCO text
1990 Lausanne Charter ICOMOS / ICAHM text, text
1994 Nara Document UNESCO / ICCROM / ICOMOS text, text
1995 European Recommendation Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers text (Rec(95)3E),

text (Rec(95)9E)

1996 Declaration of San Antonio ICOMOS text
1997 Declaration of Sofia XI ICOMOS or XXIX UNESCO text
1997 Carta de Mar del Plata Mercosul text (Portuguese), text (Portuguese), text (Spanish), text (Spanish)
2000 Cracow Charter text (Italian)
2002 Declaration of Cartagena de Indias, Colômbia Conselho Andino, OAS text
2003 Paris Recommendation XXXII UNESCO text

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