Correspondent Inference Theory

Correspondent inference theory is a psychological theory proposed by Edward E. Jones and Keith Davis (in the year 1965) that "systematically accounts for a perceiver's inferences about what an actor was trying to achieve by a particular action." The purpose of this theory is to explain why people make internal or external attributions. People compare their actions with alternative actions to evaluate the choices that they have made, by looking at various factors to decide of an act to decide if it was caused by an internal disposition. The covariation model is use with in this, more specifically that impact the degree in which you attribute behavior to the person as on the contrast to the situation. These factors are; does the person have a choice in the partaking in the action, is their behavior expected by their social role, and is their behavior consequence of their normal behavior?

Read more about Correspondent Inference Theory:  Attributing Intention, Non-Common Effects, Low-Social Desirability, Expectancies, Choice

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