
A craft is a profession that requires some particular kind of skilled work. In a historical sense, particularly as pertinent to the Middle Ages and earlier, the term is usually applied to people occupied in small-scale production of goods. The traditional terms craftsman and craftswoman are nowadays often replaced by artisan and rarely by craftsperson (craftspeople).

Read more about Craft:  Development From The Past Until Today, Classification

Famous quotes containing the word craft:

    To clothe the fiery thought
    In simple words succeeds,
    For still the craft of genius is
    To mask a king in weeds.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882)

    The lyf so short, the craft so longe to lerne,
    Th’ assay so hard, so sharp the conquerynge,
    The dredful joye, alwey that slit so yerne;
    Al this mene I be love.
    Geoffrey Chaucer (1340–1400)

    In my craft or sullen art
    Exercised in the still night
    When only the moon rages
    And the lovers lie abed
    With all their griefs in their arms,
    Dylan Thomas (1914–1953)