Digimon Frontier (デジモンフロンティア, Dejimon Furontia?), known outside of Japan as the fourth season of Digimon: Digital Monsters, is the fourth television anime series produced by Toei Animation based on the Digimon franchise. The series is noticeably different from other seasons as the main characters, the Digidestined, don't train Digimon to fight for them but instead merge with ancient spirits to become Digimon themselves. The series aired in Japan between April 7, 2002 and March 30, 2003, with an English language version, produced by Sensation Animation, airing in North America between September 9, 2002 to July 14, 2003. It is the last of the series to use the Digimon: Digital Monsters title as subsequent series, beginning with Digimon Data Squad, began using unique localised titles. It is also currently the only season to have not aired in the United Kingdom.
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Famous quotes containing the word frontier:
“What is an artist? A provincial who finds himself somewhere between a physical reality and a metaphysical one.... Its this in-between that Im calling a province, this frontier country between the tangible world and the intangible onewhich is really the realm of the artist.”
—Frederico Fellini (b. 1920)