Distance - Other "distances"

Other "distances"

  • E-statistics, or energy statistics, are functions of distances between statistical observations.
  • Mahalanobis distance is used in statistics.
  • Hamming distance and Lee distance are used in coding theory.
  • Levenshtein distance
  • Chebyshev distance
  • Canberra distance

Circular distance is the distance traveled by a wheel. The circumference of the wheel is 2π × radius, and assuming the radius to be 1, then each revolution of the wheel is equivalent of the distance 2π radians. In engineering ω = 2πƒ is often used, where ƒ is the frequency.

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Famous quotes containing the word distances:

    I was surprised by Joe’s asking me how far it was to the Moosehorn. He was pretty well acquainted with this stream, but he had noticed that I was curious about distances, and had several maps. He and Indians generally, with whom I have talked, are not able to describe dimensions or distances in our measures with any accuracy. He could tell, perhaps, at what time we should arrive, but not how far it was.
    Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862)

    We then entered another swamp, at a necessarily slow pace, where the walking was worse than ever, not only on account of the water, but the fallen timber, which often obliterated the indistinct trail entirely. The fallen trees were so numerous, that for long distances the route was through a succession of small yards, where we climbed over fences as high as our heads, down into water often up to our knees, and then over another fence into a second yard, and so on.
    Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862)