Edward Burleson - Early Life

Early Life

Known as the "Old Indian Fighter", Burleson was a veteran of the War of 1812 and had served in the Missouri and Texas militias. In October 1835 he was appointed a lieutenant colonel in the Texas army and served under Stephen F. Austin in the opening stages of the Texas Revolution. During the Siege of Béxar, Burleson served as the second-in-command to Gen. Austin, and in November, 1835 he was elected Major General of Texas Volunteers and took command of the Volunteer army besieging San Antonio de Béxar and received the surrender of Mexican general Martín Perfecto de Cos. In March, he was appointed a Colonel of Texas Regulars and led the First Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the Runaway Scrape and at the Battle of San Jacinto.

Burleson continued to serve in the army after the war and was eventually promoted Brigadier General of Texas Regulars.

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