EI - Other


  • Ei, a digraph found in some Latin alphabets
  • Education Index, a United Nations measure of the level of educational development in a country
  • Emotional intelligence, the ability, capacity, or skill to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups
  • Employment insurance, the unemployment benefits system of Canada
  • Encyclopaedia of Islam, an encyclopaedia of the academic discipline of Islamic studies
  • Environmental illness (multiple chemical sensitivity), a chronic medical condition characterized by symptoms that the affected person attributes to exposure to low levels of chemicals
  • Equine influenza, the disease caused by strains of Influenza A that are enzootic in horse species
  • Ex infra, a Latin phrase meaning 'from below'
  • Exponential integral, a special function defined on the complex plane given the symbol Ei
  • Extreme ironing, an extreme sport and a performance art
  • Ionization energy (EI), the energy required to remove one electron from one atom to another

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