Elections in Belarus/electoral History

Famous quotes containing the words elections, electoral and/or history:

    In my public statements I have earnestly urged that there rested upon government many responsibilities which affect the moral and spiritual welfare of our people. The participation of women in elections has produced a keener realization of the importance of these questions and has contributed to higher national ideals. Moreover, it is through them that our national ideals are ingrained in our children.
    Herbert Hoover (1874–1964)

    Power is action; the electoral principle is discussion. No political action is possible when discussion is permanently established.
    HonorĂ© De Balzac (1799–1850)

    What is most interesting and valuable in it, however, is not the materials for the history of Pontiac, or Braddock, or the Northwest, which it furnishes; not the annals of the country, but the natural facts, or perennials, which are ever without date. When out of history the truth shall be extracted, it will have shed its dates like withered leaves.
    Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862)