
Famous quotes containing the word electric:

    That’s the down-town frieze,
    Principally the church steeple,
    A black line beside a white line;
    And the stack of the electric plant,
    A black line drawn on flat air.
    Wallace Stevens (1879–1955)

    The family circle has widened. The worldpool of information fathered by the electric media—movies, Telstar, flight—far surpasses any possible influence mom and dad can now bring to bear. Character no longer is shaped by only two earnest, fumbling experts. Now all the world’s a sage.
    Marshall McLuhan (1911–1980)

    The more I see of democracy the more I dislike it. It just brings everything down to the mere vulgar level of wages and prices, electric light and water closets, and nothing else.
    —D.H. (David Herbert)