Family International - Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management

The leadership of TFI is headed by:

  • Karen Elva Zerby
    • Spiritual leader of TFI
    • American
    • Legally changed her name to Katherine Rianna Smith, 4 November 1997
    • Aliases:
      • Karen Elva Zerby
      • Katherine Rianna Smith
      • Maria David
      • Maria Berg
      • Maria Fontaine
      • Mama Maria
      • Queen Maria
  • Steven Douglas Kelly
    • Head leader of TFI
    • American
    • Legally changed his name to Christopher Smith
    • Aliases:
      • Steven Douglas Kelly
      • Christopher Smith
      • Peter Amsterdam
      • King Peter

Under them, management is divided into World Services, Creations, and Family Care Foundation. Each region is managed by a team of Continental Officers (COs), each team typically having five to seven members. The management structures beneath the CO team are more variable and their members are changed frequently.

Read more about this topic:  Family International

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    Nature, we are starting to realize, is every bit as important as nurture. Genetic influences, brain chemistry, and neurological development contribute strongly to who we are as children and what we become as adults. For example, tendencies to excessive worrying or timidity, leadership qualities, risk taking, obedience to authority, all appear to have a constitutional aspect.
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