FG - Science and Technology

Science and Technology

  • Femtogram (fg), a unit of mass
  • Fg, abbreviation used in physics for the force exerted by gravity
  • Fiberglass, a material that includes fine fibers of glass
  • Fixed-gear, a bicycle without the ability to coast
  • Functional grammar (disambiguation), grammar models and theories for natural languages
  • Goodyear FG, a fighter aircraft

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Famous quotes containing the words science and technology, science and/or technology:

    Our civilization is shifting from science and technology to rhetoric and litigation.
    Mason Cooley (b. 1927)

    By an application of the theory of relativity to the taste of readers, to-day in Germany I am called a German man of science, and in England I am represented as a Swiss Jew. If I come to be regarded as a bĂȘte noire the descriptions will be reversed, and I shall become a Swiss Jew for the Germans and a German man of science for the English!
    Albert Einstein (1879–1955)

    Radio put technology into storytelling and made it sick. TV killed it. Then you were locked into somebody else’s sighting of that story. You no longer had the benefit of making that picture for yourself, using your imagination. Storytelling brings back that humanness that we have lost with TV. You talk to children and they don’t hear you. They are television addicts. Mamas bring them home from the hospital and drag them up in front of the set and the great stare-out begins.
    Jackie Torrence (b. 1944)