Fi Glover - Personal Life

Personal Life

Glover grew up in Hampshire, with her mother Priscilla and sister Isabella (Izi), whilst her father was in Hong Kong establishing a business. Her parents eventually separated. She attended St Swithun's School, an independent girls' school in Winchester. She studied classical civilisation and philosophy at the University of Kent from 1987 to 1990.

She met her first husband, Mark Sandell, when he was the producer of Nicky Campbell's programme. They married in 2001 but divorced in 2002.

Glover lives with Rick Jones, formerly a marketing executive with Sony, who now works for Google. Taking maternity leave in December 2005 and giving birth to a son, Hector, in January 2006, she returned to regular broadcasting in September 2006. She gave birth to a daughter in August 2008.

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