Fish Preservation - Combined Techniques

Combined Techniques

See also: Hurdle technology

Two or more of these techniques are often combined. This can improve preservation and reduce unwanted side effects such as the denaturation of nutrients by severe heat treatments. Common combinations are salting/drying, salting/marinating, salting/smoking, drying/smoking, pasteurization/refrigeration and controlled atmosphere/refrigeration. Other process combinations are currently being developed along the multiple hurdle theory.

  • Making fish paste in Cambodia

  • Salting fish in a factory.

  • Retortable pouches are a recent progression from the use of cans


  • Haddock: Arbroath Smokie (lightly smoked).
  • Herring: kipper (salted and smoked), surströmming (fermented), rollmops (pickled), soused (salted).
  • Salmon: smoked salmon, cured salmon, and gravlax (fermented).
  • Cod: stockfish (air dried), lutefisk (soaked in lye).

Read more about this topic:  Fish Preservation

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