Flirty Fishing - Impact On Members

Impact On Members

Women who objected to being what the cult itself bluntly described as "God's whores" or "hookers for Jesus" were admonished not to "let self and pride enter in" and reminded that their body did not really belong to them as according to 1 Corinthians 6:19–20 it had been "bought" (by Jesus through his crucifixion) "with a price". After an initial phase, male members no longer partook in this drive, partially because of the cult's dismissive stance towards homosexuality, but also because Berg thought it did not "pay off financially". Many of the Flirty Fishers had boyfriends, were married, or had children. In Family publications, Flirty Fishers and Escort Servicers (see below) frequently reported that they found their work hard, dangerous, and exhausting.

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