Flood Stage

Flood stage is the level at which the surface of a river, stream, ocean, or other body of water has risen to a sufficient level to cause sufficient inundation of areas not normally covered by water to cause an inconvenience or a threat to life and property. When a body of water rises to this level, it is considered a flood event. Flood stage does not apply to areal flooding. Because areal flooding occurs by definition over areas not normally covered by water, any water at all creates a flood. Usually, Moderate and Major stages are not defined for areal floodplains.

Read more about Flood Stage:  Definition

Famous quotes containing the words flood and/or stage:

    Men hold themselves cheap and vile; and yet a man is a fagot of thunderbolts. All the elements pour through his system: he is the flood of the flood, and fire of the fire; he feels the antipodes and the pole, as drops of his blood: they are the extension of his personality.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882)

    I must ... warn my readers that my attacks are directed against themselves, not against my stage figures.
    George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950)