Foreign Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Foreign Support

Foreign Support

Bosnia and Herzegovina receives support from donor programs of:

  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • European Union
  • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • International Monetary Fund

In the 3 years since the Dayton Accords were signed, over $4 billion in foreign aid has flown into Bosnia, about $800 million of it coming from SEED funds. As stated above, this support has been key to the growth and revitalization of the economy and infrastructure in the republic. However, most of this aid has been targeted at the Federation; the previous government of the RS was anti-Dayton and not assisted by the U.S. The election of the "Sloga" or "Unity" Coalition government, led by Prime Minister Dodik, has shifted the balance of power in the Republika Srpska (RS) to a pro-Dayton stance and will result in an upsurge of funding to the RS from the international community.

In addition to SEED funding, USAID programs have been crucial to the redevelopment of Bosnia and Herzegovina. USAID has programming in the following areas: economic policy reform and restructuring; private sector development (the Business Development Program); infrastructure rebuilding; democratic reforms in the media, political process and elections, and rule of law/legal code formulation; and training programs for women and diplomats.

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