Foreign Relations of The Czech Republic - Participation in International Organizations

Participation in International Organizations

The Czech Republic participates in the United Nations (UN); World Trade Organization (WTO); International Monetary Fund (IMF); Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); International Energy Agency (IEA); North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the International Whaling Commission.

Fundamental to this objective is Czech membership in the European Union. The Czech Republic became a member of the EU in May 2004. This followed signature of the Treaty of Accession with nine other candidate nations in 1993. Although there have been disagreements with established EU member nations over some economic issues, such as agricultural quotas and a recent amendment to the gaming law, relations are good.

The Czech Republic is a member of the United Nations and participates in its specialized agencies. It is a member of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. It maintains diplomatic relations with more than 85 countries, of which 63 have permanent representation in Prague. The Czech Republic became a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, along with Poland and Hungary, on 12 March 1999. This membership represents a milestone in the country's foreign policy and security orientation.

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