Ghanada - Books


Ananda Publishers has released a complete collection of all Ghanada stories and novels in three parts entitled Ghanada Samagra 1, Ghanada Samagra 2 and Ghanada Samagra 3 .

Ghanada Samagra 1 (ISBN 81-7215-395-3, 1st Ed.- Jan, 2000) is a collection of following books:

  1. Ghanadar Galpo (The Story of Ghanada) Stories: Mosha (Mosquito), Poka (Insect), Nuri (Pebble), Kaanch (Glass), Machh (Fish), Tupi (Cap), Chhori (Stick), Lattu (Top)
  2. Adwitio Ghanada (The Unique Ghanada): Dada (Elder Brother), Futo (Hole), Daant (Tooth), Ghori (Watch), Haans (Swan),Suto (Thread)
  3. Aabar Ghanada (Ghanada Again): Dhil (Stone), Chhunch (Needle), Shisi (Bottle)
  4. Ghanadake Vote Din : Ghanadake Vote Din (Vote for Ghanada), Kencho (Earthworm), Maachi (Fly)
  5. Ghanada Nitya Natun : Jal (Water), Chokh (Eye), Chhata (Umbrella), Ghanada Kulfi Khaan Na (Ghanada Doesn't Eat Kulfi)
  6. Ghanadar Juri Nei : Tel (Oil), Bhasha (Language), Maap (Measurement), Maati (Soil)

The following books are also published from Ananda Publishers:

  • Ghanadar Chingdi Brittanto (ISBN 81-7066-118-8) is a collection of the following stories: Ghanadar Chingdi Brittanto (The Lobstar Story of Ghanada), Vela (The Boat), Ghanada Elen! (Ghanada Has Come!), Halleyr Bechal (The Misdoings of Halley), Joyodrath Bodhe Ghanada (Killing of Joyodrath by Ghanada)
  • Jnar Nam Ghanada (Whose Name is Ghanada)
  • Ghanadar Foon (1st Ed.- July, 1978; Dedication: Sambaran Chattopadhyay): Ghanadar Foon, Bharat-Juddhe Pinpre, Berajale Ghanada, Kurukshetre Ghanada, KhandobDahe Ghanada .
  • Tel Deben Ghanada (Ghanada Shall Oil)
  • Ghanada Tosyo Tosyo Omnibus (ISBN 81-7066-782-8): Story about his ancestors, as Mitra described-
    1. Das Holen Ghanada (Ghanada Becomes Das)- In this story of Ganado, Ghanada explains how he became a slave, and how he was freed.
    2. Surya Kandle Sona (The Land of Gold Where the Sun Cries)- A huge novel concernig unbelievable experiences of Ganado in South America.
    3. Agra Jokhon Tolmol (While Agra Was Trembling)- A short novel of Bachanram Das in Agra at Medieval India.
    4. Robinson Crusoe Meye Chhilen (Robinson Crusoe Was a Lady)- A story of Nan Su, a princess of China, which Ghanada describes to be the authentic source of the famous Daniel Defoe novel Robinson Crusoe. But, no reference to Ghanada or his ancestors is found.

This book is later renamed as Ghanada Samagra 3.

  • Mandhatar Top O Ghanada (The Decoy of Mandhata and Ghanada)

Duniyar Ghanada is published from Dey's Publishing and Ghanada O Mou-Ka-Sa-Bi-Saw is published from Shaiba Prokashan Bibhag.

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