Green Party

A Green party is a formally organized political party based on the principles of Green politics, such as social justice, grassroots democracy, nonviolence, and environmentalism. Greens believe that these issues are inherently related to one another as a foundation for world peace. Green party platforms typically embrace social-democratic economic policies and forming coalitions with leftists. Green parties exist in nearly 90 countries around the world; many are members of Global Greens.

Read more about Green Party:  Definitions, Influence

Famous quotes containing the words green and/or party:

    She never told her love,
    But let concealment, like a worm i’ the bud
    Feed on her damask cheek. She pined in thought,
    And with a green and yellow melancholy
    She sat like patience on a monument,
    Smiling at grief. Was not this love indeed?
    William Shakespeare (1564–1616)

    What is the disease which manifests itself in an inability to leave a party—any party at all—until it is all over and the lights are being put out?... I suppose that part of this mania for staying is due to a fear that, if I go, something good will happen and I’ll miss it. Somebody might do card tricks, or shoot somebody else.
    Robert Benchley (1889–1945)