Harvey Henderson Wilcox

Harvey Henderson Wilcox (1832 - March 19, 1891) owned a ranch to the west of the city of Los Angeles, which his wife Daeida named Hollywood, and where the center of the American cinema industry developed in the early 1900s.

Read more about Harvey Henderson Wilcox:  Biography, Hollywood Years, Death

Famous quotes containing the words harvey and/or wilcox:

    Called on one occasion to a homestead cabin whose occupant had been found frozen to death, Coroner Harvey opened the door, glanced in, and instantly pronounced his verdict, “Deader ‘n hell!”
    —For the State of Nebraska, U.S. public relief program (1935-1943)

    Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
    Weep, and you weep alone,
    For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth,
    But has trouble enough of its own.
    —Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850–1919)