Hexen: Beyond Heretic - Console Versions

Console Versions

Hexen was also released for the Sega Saturn, PlayStation and Nintendo 64, all released by GT Interactive during the first half of 1997. While presenting several specific differences in their respective translations of the original computer game, all of them constitute essentially the same game with no major changes to level design, plot, or overall delivery.

The PlayStation version, developed by Probe Entertainment, has the FMV scenes and Redbook audio music from the PC CD-ROM version, but no multiplayer mode. The scripting and 3D animation is slower, enemies have only their front sprites and lack gory deaths when attacked by strong hits or weapons, and the frame rate is slower. Although all levels are present in this version and feature their correct layouts, their architecture details are somewhat simplified and there is some loss in overall lighting quality. Also, there are some playability tweaks specific to this port, such as the Warrior's fists being underpowered compared to other versions.

The Sega Saturn version, also developed by Probe, inherits most of the restrictions of the PlayStation version, such as the simplified scenery architecture and the downgraded lighting, although it does feature some improved aspects. The scripting is faster, and the frame-rate, while not fluid or consistent, is slightly better. The enemies still have all but their front sprites missing, but they retain their gory deaths when killed by a strong hit or weapon. This version also has hidden two-player link-up cooperative and deathmatch options, accessible only through the unlockable cheat menu. While this port shares the FMV scenes and most of the Redbook audio music from the other CD-ROM versions, it has some new music tracks.

The Nintendo 64 version, developed by Software Creations retains all graphical quality and scenery architecture, has a consistent framerate, and includes high detail and smooth filtering options. This version also has four-player split-screen cooperative and deathmatch options, although they must be played in low detail mode. Due to cartridge storage limitations, the Nintendo 64 version is based on the original PC floppy version and lacks the FMV scenes and Redbook audio music introduced in the CD-ROM version, although it has new narrative introductions to the levels.

Read more about this topic:  Hexen: Beyond Heretic

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