
A highway is any public road or other public way on land; the term exists in distinction to waterway. In North American and Australian English, the term frequently implies major roads under the control of a state or provincial agency instead of a local road authority. In British English, highway is primarily a legal term, and normal usage implies roads, while legal usage covers any route or path with a public right of access, including footpaths etc. The term has led to several related derived terms, including highway system, highway code, and highway patrol.

Read more about Highway:  Overview, History, Social Effects, Economic Effects, Environment Effects, Road Traffic Safety, Statistics, Bus Lane, Gallery

Famous quotes containing the word highway:

    My manner is the footnote to your immoral
    Beauty, that leads me with a magic hair
    Up the spun highway of a vanishing hill
    To Words....
    Allen Tate (1899–1979)