Illinois Institute of Art – Chicago

The Illinois Institute of Art – Chicago is part of The Art Institutes, a system of for-profit proprietary colleges focusing on creative industries.

The Illinois Institute of Art – Chicago offers bachelor's degree or associates degree for several programs including: fashion, interior design, visual communication/graphic design and other media arts, and culinary arts with an enrollment of 3500 students. The school is located in two facilities in Chicago, Illinois, the Mart campus being in the West Mart Center of the Merchandise Mart complex. The Loop campus is located on the corner of Lake and Wabash. The Loop campus houses classes for media (graphic design, interactive media, digital film-making, videogames) and culinary programs while the Mart campus houses most of administration, library, and classes for fashion and interior design programs. The Loop campus features a student-run restaurant called "The Backstage Bistro".

Read more about Illinois Institute Of Art – Chicago:  History, Accreditation, Student Organizations

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