Indian Bay

Indian Bay

Indian Bay (Parsons Point) is located in Newfoundland, Canada.

Read more about Indian Bay:  Geography, History, Census Information, Directory

Famous quotes containing the words indian and/or bay:

    The Indian remarked as before, “Must have hard wood to cook moose-meat,” as if that were a maxim, and proceeded to get it. My companion cooked some in California fashion, winding a long string of the meat round a stick and slowly turning it in his hand before the fire. It was very good. But the Indian, not approving of the mode, or because he was not allowed to cook it his own way, would not taste it.
    Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862)

    The very dogs that sullenly bay the moon from farm-yards in these nights excite more heroism in our breasts than all the civil exhortations or war sermons of the age.
    Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862)