
Famous quotes containing the word inhabitants:

    The inhabitants of the Cape generally do not complain of their “soil,” but will tell you that it is good enough for them to dry their fish on.
    Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862)

    The principle of asceticism never was, nor ever can be, consistently pursued by any living creature. Let but one tenth part of the inhabitants of the earth pursue it consistently, and in a day’s time they will have turned it into a Hell.
    Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832)

    Life’s so ordinary that literature has to deal with the exceptional. Exceptional talent, power, social position, wealth.... Drama begins where there’s freedom of choice. And freedom of choice begins when social or psychological conditions are exceptional. That’s why the inhabitants of imaginative literature have always been recruited from the pages of Who’s Who.
    Aldous Huxley (1894–1963)