International AIDS Conference - List of Conferences

List of Conferences

Below is the list of conferences and their venue:

International AIDS Conferences
number year location theme and link
I 1985 Atlanta, Georgia, United States (no theme)
II 1986 Paris, France (no theme)
III 1987 Washington, D.C., United States (no theme)
IV 1988 Stockholm, Sweden (no theme)
V 1989 Montreal, Canada The Scientific and Social Challenge of AIDS
VI 1990 San Francisco, United States AIDS in the Nineties: From Science to Policy
VII 1991 Florence, Italy Science Challenging AIDS
VIII 1992 Amsterdam, Netherlands A World United Against AIDS
IX 1993 Berlin, Germany (no theme)
X 1994 Yokohama, Japan The Global Challenge of AIDS: Together for the future
XI 1996 Vancouver, Canada One World One Hope
XII 1998 Geneva, Switzerland Bridging the Gap
XIII 2000 Durban, South Africa Breaking the Silence
XIV 2002 Barcelona, Spain Knowledge and Commitment for Action
XV 2004 Bangkok, Thailand Access for All
XVI 2006 Toronto, Canada Time to Deliver
XVII 2008 Mexico City, Mexico Universal Action Now
XVIII 2010 Vienna, Austria Rights Here, Right Now
XIX 2012 Washington, D.C., United States Turning the Tide Together
XX 2014 Melbourne, Australia (not yet announced)

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