Jerome, Pennsylvania - The Miners' Strike of 1922-1923

The Miners' Strike of 1922-1923

Jerome was the scene of several unionization efforts by the United Mine Workers Union. An important and the longest of these efforts was the strike that began on Good Friday morning, April 14, 1922, led by local miner George Gregory, with the assistance of outside union supporters.

Rumors of strikes at non-union mines, such as Jerome at that time, had been circulating for several weeks. Indeed the General Policy Committee of the United Mine Workers Union issued a call on March 24 for the nation's 200,000 non-union miners to join a planned nationwide strike on April 1, to coincide with the expiration of the current union contract. Organizers slid past armed company police to circulate pamphlets and leaflets, as seen here and here, to encourage the miners' walk out.

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